Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (PS3/360/Wii U) 1.35 million units. Making a return as one of the series staples, the character customization mode is back in Soul Calibur VIWith plenty of options to choose from, we have a guide that will help you through the basics on the character creator. Find similar music that youll enjoy, only at Last.fm. Below are the sales for both Tekken Tag Tournament 2 and Soul Calibur 5. A fully-detailed look on what Soul Calibur VIs character creation has to offer. If you don't see a game you want on the list, just email me with the name and platform of the game. Listen to 100 Anime Created Characters, Character Creation & Customization Showcase and more from SOUL CALIBUR 6. We have Over 30,000 custom artwork from Atari to Xbox. I do not claim any of the art, trademarks are properties of their respective owners. You can create a regular character or an original one. When you select and press 'x', you will see 2 options.

You are paying for my time and materials used to create them. In order to create a custom character, you need to press 'x' on your controller, on any of these new cards. The items in this listing are REPRODUCTIONS.
here's hoping they patch add the option to simply say type 'Shrek' then search result list down all the CaS character card related to the 'Shrek' name. In a seemingly opposite situation to Soulcalibur III providing a full Create-a-Soul part set to recreate KOS-MOS but no Create-a-Soul-exclusive moveset depicting her skills, Devil Jin's moveset is exclusive to custom characters but his corresponding Create-a-Soul parts are not part of the base game, instead being available for purchase as part. Until confirmed otherwise, I believe this is the only way.
Have a broken or damaged case? Lost your original case/box or bought a used game that didn't come with artwork but in a paper sleeve or blank case instead? We use professional quality glossy paper and quality replacement cases to insure a original feel, The artwork cover are based on the original box art (NO GAME IS INCLUDED). You click empty slot inside the right tab. We’ve mentioned that Soul Calibur V had a pretty deep character customization engine, and you know what that means: time for the gag characters.